“L” is for Lies
noun 1. false statements made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. 2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture 3. inaccurate or false statements; a falsehood.
A friend (Hi Michelle) asked me what was going on with my blog and book reviews and noticed I hadn’t posted in awhile. Her words were such an encouragement to me. Starting this blog was exciting, and documenting kids books I LOVED is my thing! And writing… I think it is something the Lord is strongly strongly prompting shouting at me to do. So why did I slow down….?
Satan’s Lies
I got hung up on wanting this blog to be “perfect” and believed the LIES of the enemy. Satan is a deceiver! I KNOW this… but maybe missed these lies that crept in – “No one cares what you have to say” or “you can’t post a book review next because your IG page sequence will be ruined” or “what your writing needs to be more profound, or new” or “Someone already knows about that book” or “But you don’t have anyone following you” … NONE of that matters… Usually that’s the basics of Satan’s underlining LIE – getting us to take our focus off God and look around and compare he gets us to believe “that what God said wasn’t actually true.”
I have to get back to what God showed me… He wants me to write… today it looks like this simple blog… tomorrow who knows… but any step is a step towards the calling He has given me. I can’t listen to Satan’s LIES that cause me to take my eyes off of what God has clearly shown me.
We are all called to preach the gospel and make disciples but God’s calling on each of our lives looks different. It will absolutely look different than the person next to you… BUT know He does have a SPECIFIC calling for YOUR life!! Don’t let Satan have any room to keep you from what God is calling you to do!
Get behind me Satan!
I trust that God has WONDERFUL things in store… will I know what they are? Well, eventually… but probably not for awhile. To reach the end and learn what the plan for my life was – which was the plan the whole time – I just need to spend each day falling more in love with Jesus! I MUST NOT LISTEN TO THE LIES OF THE DEVIL! He is False! Satan is deceiving me! He is trying to derail me!
So I sat on “L” … I had half written a post about “Life” and that we only experience true life in knowing Christ. But it was the realization that I let the enemy get my ear that led me to write about his lies.
My Heart
Lord Jesus, MUTE the voice of Satan! Put a hedge of protection around me. Keep my eyes fixed on you and the path you are setting before me. Help me be obedient and have discernment on what steps to take toward what you have set me apart to do. Thank you that you are my enabler and thank you that you have already defeated Satan. In Jesus’ name, Amen.