1 unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification / virtue coming from God / a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace 2 approval, favor / archaic :mercy, pardon / a special favor :privilege / disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency / a temporary exemption :reprieve
I don’t know if I normally say the dictionary is wrong but for the true meaning of “Grace” I think that we should turn to the bible. God gives us grace upon grace – that understanding of grace truly magnifies God’s immeasurable love for us.
Grace is giving us what we don’t deserve. God gives us so many blessings that we don’t deserve and even very often overlook. Conversely “mercy” is God holding back what we do deserve – punishment for sin ultimately.
We are called to “be holy as Jesus was holy” and Paul told us to “imitate him as he imitated Christ.” This includes extending grace to others. I must extend grace, which isn’t deserved, to others!!
To the mean hearted, proud, dark, angry, envious, cynical and hurtful people in your lives – which is what I face today – extend grace! Act in kindness even though they are so undeserving! Pardon their behavior. “Forgive, just as I’ve been forgiven!”
But how many times Lord!?!? “Turn the other cheek” “7 times 70 times”
Forgive, and forgive again. Pardon and pardon again. Be kind and be kind again.
Lord, I need you! I don’t want to be kind to them, I want to explode and tell them how AWEFUL they are. I even complain about it left and right to whoever gives me an ear. I’m sorry!
Lord, ultimately they need you, and you love them so much. Their behavior is a result of them not knowing you. It isn’t going to change until they give their lives over to you. And to get to know you… You’ll use people in their lives like me. I need to display your love and your GRACE to them – which, yes, they don’t deserve. But neither did I. I didn’t and still don’t deserve your love and Grace but you pour it out upon me anyway. Thank you Lord! Please make my heart right about this and help me to just give them grace, and more grace and to forgive just as you have forgiven me! Let me not grow tired of treating them kindly and help me to stop complaining about them. Change the situation and ultimately I pray they come to know you!!! In Jesus’ name, amen.
In a past season I wrote a handful of these ABC entries and I moved them over to My Whirlwind Life. So if the story itself seems dated in some way… that’s because I wrote it a few years ago.