1. enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. 2. a source of this. playful behavior or good humor. behavior or an activity that is intended purely for amusement and should not be interpreted as having serious or malicious purposes. 3. (of a place or event) providing entertainment or leisure activities for children. 4. amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable.
I think we forget to have fun sometimes. Life is full of weighty stuff and we need to have and experience lighthearted pleasure. I think even we should seek out fun – seek behaviors and activities that are intended purely for amusement. And even go to fun places.
Today I’m going to Disneyland with my mom. We got our annual passes a few weeks ago – and have already gone like 8 times. My mom hasn’t been to Disneyland in several years! She went ahead and purchased an annual pass too – with the outlook that she only has weekends off (usually/ today is Friday) and she didn’t want a pass that wouldn’t let her go on her day off. He job is busy and heavy, and I want to set out to make today fun for her! Does that mean buy her some mouse ears? Maybe- the annual pass does give 20% off! Does that mean wait in line for the Cars ride so she can ride only since I’ll have the baby… We will see.
I want to purpose in my heart now that today will be fun! A whole day together may lead to some conversations about work, but I want to set out to make today lighthearted and stress free! So if that means no talking about work, that’s ok!
I feel like sometimes we just miss having fun in any given day. It can look so many ways, but shouldn’t be overlooked. It may mean being deliberate about doing something fun! Make plans to add in something fun today! Maybe that’s just blowing some bubbles for no reason, or dancing around your living room acting silly.
I think the Lord wants us to have fun in this life too. He created all this, he made the snow and oh what fun playing in it is! He made the beach, and what a fun day a beach day can be! He even gave us companions in our pets… They can be fun too (sometimes). But he gave us family and friends, and the exciting thing is that we get to enjoy His creation and have fun with these people that He has placed alongside of us in this life.
I’m off to Disneyland… The part I left out is that I’m also going tomorrow too! Gotta get our money’s worth out of these annual passes, right?!
Lord, let me ever miss the FUN that you want me to experience in this life. True joy is all from you , and thank you that you want us to experience enjoyment! Thank you for your creation too! Let us all have some fun today! Amen
In a past season I wrote a handful of these ABC entries and I moved them over to My Whirlwind Life. So if the story itself seems dated in some way… that’s because I wrote it a few years ago. We don’t actually have Disney passes right now. AND I wrote this when I only had Jillian… so passes have increased in price a BIT since then too.